Anything Parenting

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Parking Lots And Kids Are Not A Good Combination

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It is so important to watch your kids in parking lots. Darting kids are often hit by cars because they are not seen in time. Recently, a six year boy was run over by the front tire of a car in a gas station parking lot. The driver was a sixteen year old boy who has to live with this accident for the rest of his life.

The six year old's brother ran out of the store first and the driver stopped. As he proceeded on, his view was obstructed by a truck. The little one ran right into the front tire knocking him to the ground and the car ran over him. He died a week later. The parents must be going through their own hell.

The four children were allowed to run through a busy parking lot as the parents pumped gas. Now the parents have suffered a great lost, but why did it take two people to pump gas. The kids needed an adult with them. This accident could have been prevented if a parent would have taken the children to the store instead of letting them go themselves.

Parents need to think before letting children run through parking lots. A car can be going two miles an hour and still injure and kill a little kid.

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