Anything Parenting

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Keeping Children Busy On The Thanksgiving Holiday Ride Or Family Together Time

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Everyone knows that children get a little frustrated when they cannot find something to do. This especially true if you are driving to Grandmas house, which is a couple hours away. Children need something to do to keep busy on the long trip. They might enjoy a coloring book or a hand held video game. Some like the black velvet coloring packages. Cards games are also a nice way to past time. If you have children and are traveling, you want to make sure they have something to do. It makes the trip more peaceful.

For spending the day with family and friends, the children make become a little restless. Adults enjoying talking, watching the football game and just having a good time. Kids on the other hand may become bored. Again, video games or even a portable DVD player with a good movie will keep them occupied. This also works well for traveling. If they have a good movie that they like, they will sit for a couple hours and enjoy the movie.

Another nice thing to keep children occupied is the popular word search books or some other age significant books. If you have crayons and colors, this is always a way to entertain the kids. Older kids like to listen to their music and a disc player or an iPod makes a great traveling companion. Crafts are always a good way to keep the kids busy. Babies may fall asleep, but if they do not, the cutest toys that attach to the car seat can keep them occupied. The same goes for visiting in the house. They seem to be easily entertained.

If you prefer to save money, the ride in the car might be fun if you give them some paper and a pencil and have them write down things they see. The list can help with writing and work as a way to remember the adventure. Some families like to count out of state license plates or even different animals seen. There are many things to do that do not cost anything.

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